I’ve Always Thought SEO Is A Bit Like Playing with Lego…

Amanda Weston
14 min readMar 27, 2024

It involves building with blocks and nice part usage!

Like many kids, we grew up with Lego in our house. Although the prized collection, stored jumbled together in 2-litre ice cream tubs, belonged to my older brother, he was happy to share.

One of the weirdest things we did was build a Lego road, in blocks of different colours (think multicolor yellow brick road), and walk on it. This is what we saw in our mind's eye as we played.

My Childhood Lego Road. AI-Generated Image by Amanda Weston

This memory always makes me laugh though. Because we walked on those studs. And well, treading on Lego…ouch!

I’ve found that relating SEO to the more tangible and familiar process of Lego building helps to demystify it. It helps to highlight the importance of a strong foundation, the strategic use of various elements, the need for creativity and innovation, and the ongoing pursuit of mastery and excellence.

All while recognizing that neither works without understanding your audience, knowing how to share your story, and…



Amanda Weston

Amanda "Ai-Manda" Weston, a literary sensation shaping words for over 30 years. Dive into narratives that redefine boundaries.