Cartoon Capers Made Easy with AI

Get ready for some cartoon craziness, because today we’re harnessing the power of AI to create our own laugh-out-loud funny comics! (No artistic talent required!)

Amanda Weston
11 min readJan 11, 2024

OK, so I’ll admit I’m loony for ‘toons right now. Not normally known for my humor, a meme moment is a big deal for me! So, I’m tickled pink that you are joining me for this petit peek into my latest peccadillo.

AI-generated image by Amanda Weston

Today, we’ll start by whipping up a wacky character with the latest AI image wizardry. All it takes are a few clicks, and presto — our marvelous mascot will materialize!

Then, we’ll head over to Canva, the defacto design sidekick, to bring some order to our creative chaos. With its helpful tools, we can shape our AI-generated antics into a bonafide belly-laughing comic strip lickety-split.

So get ready to unleash your inner jokester and bring some cartoon capers to life! With AI as our artful ally, crafting comics is now child’s play.

✨Buy and keep this training as a downloadable video. See link at the end of the article✨

OK, ready? Let’s get zany!

But first…

Why create comic…



Amanda Weston

Amanda "Ai-Manda" Weston, a literary sensation shaping words for over 30 years. Dive into narratives that redefine boundaries.